Who we are
We love to train professionals! Tully Training Ltd provides forensic and clinical training to a range of professionals, specialising in risk assessment and related training.
Welcome to the dedicated training website for Tully Training Ltd. Although we have particular specialism in forensic work, the training and consultancy that we provide covers many areas, not limited to forensic psychology. Our team provides training to individuals and large services with attendees from various agencies, and closed/'in-house' training delivered to large organisations, such as the NHS and private service providers. We have a separate website for our clinical and expert services www.tullyforensicpsychology.com
Tully Forensic Psychology was set up in 2012 by Dr Ruth Tully (BSc(Hons), MSc, DForenPsy, CPsychol, EuroPsy, FBPsS, CSci, MAE, AFHEA). Training is something we are passionate about delivered from the outset, and the separate company, Tully Training Ltd was set up in 2019. Ruth has trained hundreds of professionals in risk assessment and other topics both nationally and internationally, including having trained at The International Criminal Court at The Hague, Netherlands.
Ruth is a HCPC Registered Forensic Psychologist, and a BPS Chartered Psychologist in the UK. Ruth has provided training nationally and internationally in various areas including risk assessment and sexual offending. Our team expanded from there to become a small team of specially selected expert forensic and clinical psychologists who provide expert witness assessment, treatment, training, and consultancy services. We are proud to be based in Nottingham, and we deliver services and take instructions nationwide as our team is based throughout the country. Between the team, our range of expertise lends to us being able to provide a range of bespoke training that we tailor to meet the needs of clients.
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